These hotkeys can be used after selecting a node.
- Cmd+Enter Add sibling node.
- Cmd+Insert or Ctrl+Space Add child node.
- Cmd+C Copy selected node.
- Cmd+X Cut selected node (copied into clipboard and removed from map).
- Cmd+V Paste node either inside a selected node or as a root node in the map where the last mouse click occured.
- Ctrl+Shift+V Paste the node with its child nodes.
- Alt+Up Go to parent node.
- Alt+Down Go to first child node.
- Alt+Left Go to previous sibling node.
- Alt+Right Go to next sibling node.
When editing text, the following hotkeys can be use.
- Cmd+C Copy selected text.
- Cmd+X Cut the selected text.
- Cmd+V Paste the selected text.
- Cmd+A Select the entire text.
- Cmd+Z Undo the last change.
- Cmd+Y or Cmd+Shift+Z Redo the last change.
Text selection and navigation
- Home Go to the beginning of the line.
- End Go to the end of the line.
- Cmd+← Move the cursor backward by one word.
- Cmd+→ Move the cursor forward by one word.
- Shift+← Select the next character to the left of the cursor.
- Shift+→ Select the next character to the right of the cursor.
- Shift+↑ Select from the current cursor position to the position directly above the cursor in the line above.
- Shift+↓ Select from the current cursor position to the position directly below the cursor in the line below.
- Cmd+Shift+← Select on word over from the current cursor position to the left of it.
- Cmd+Shift+→ Select on word over from the current cursor position to the right of it.
- Shift+Home Select from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line.
- Shift+End Select from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
- Cmd+B Set the selected text as bold if something is selected. Otherwise sets bold for the next character to be entered at the cursor position.
- Cmd+I Set the selected text as italic if something is selected. Otherwise sets italics for the next character to be entered at the cursor position.
- Cmd+U Underline the selected text if something is selected. Otherwise sets the next character to be entered at the cursor position as underlined.
These hotkeys can be used with the editor panel.
- Mouse Wheel Zoom to Pointer.
- Cmd+Wheel Adjust vertical scrollbar.
- Shift+Wheel Adjust horizontal scrollbar.